Introducing our exquisite flower hand bouquet, a stunning arrangement that is sure to brighten up any occasion! This bouquet consists of 30 fresh, vibrant roses, each one carefully hand-selected for its beauty and freshness. But that?s not all ? as a special gift, we have included a delicious Ferrero chocolate to sweeten the deal! This chocolate perfectly complements the beauty of the roses, making this bouquet an irresistible gift for someone special in your life.
Important Note: Roses color will be changed to red when local option is chosen to ensure premium quality.
The white and green classic bridal bouquet is always the right choice. At Petals & Leaves, we mix classic with trendy to give it the extra edge. The white roses wedding bouquet with a tough of purple veronica and eucalyptus leaves is perfect for a flawless final look.
If you want to make sure that love is there all around on your big day, then this gerb is your perfect choice for your wedding. Add some love to your bouquet with red roses.
Simplicity is always the elegant top notch floral choice for the bride. This sophisticated yet simple wedding bouquet is the perfect match for your dress. The minature size of baby flower gypsohilia is elegant and suits very much the bride looking for elegance and fine taste.
Since purple is a royal color, Petals & Leaves is presenting your recipient this gorgeous fancy bouquet made of a mix of purple, white, and pink gerberas and roses to be your elegant gift.
A soft and tender bouquet, perfect for expressing your gentle loving thoughts through delicate peach and light pink blossoms. Show her how much you value the tender side of romance and order her bridal gerb.
Best gift ever for your mum, the love of your life. There has never been a better gift than a bouquet of 15 amazing roses to enlighten her heart. You can order for your mum, wife and mother in law and benefit from our TRIO offer…
Flowers delivery is just a click away!
Important Note: Roses color will be changed to red when local option is chosen to ensure premium quality.
Featuring bold orange and bright red shades, 40 gorgeous roses, this arrangement is equal parts gorgeous and thoughtful while adding some color to any space. Celebrate your Mother’s day with super elegance.
Flowers delivery is just a click away!
Important Note: Roses color will be changed to red when local option is chosen to ensure premium quality.