A graceful hand bouquet features a collection of white roses and delicate gypsophila, this hand bouquet is a symbol of purity and grace. Whether it’s a celebration of love, a wedding, or a special moment, Lady in White adds a touch of class and beauty to any occasion.
Amaze your beloved ones with a lovely Chocolate Flowers Hand Bouquet. It comes with Ferrero Rocher chocolates and red roses elegantly wrapped in polka dots wrapping sheets that will add sweetness and romance. You will definitely capture her heart. Flowers delivery is just a click away!
Your honey whom you wish happiness for, who is waiting for something that expresses your love, a box of the purest and most delicate flowers, lilies, anthuriums and roses. This is the best of what can be chosen.
If you are looking for the best way to express feelings and emotions to your loved ones, this is definitely the place to go for floral gifts for all occasions. at Petals & Leaves, our team will take you on a creative journey; from the first mood board to the last petal, creating happy memorable moments in each and every step.
Choose the initial of your loved one and we will create the most fancy floral chocolate combination ever on an elegant wood log. We can also customize the greeting message.
This flower arrangement consists of a 40cm wood log, a gypsophila letter, an average of 50 pcs Ferrero Rocher chocolate tower surrounded by LED bee lights strings to add extra charm to the setup.
Send flowers anywhere in Cairo and Giza. Same day delivery or pick your event date and time. Flowers delivery is just a click away.