The white and green classic bridal bouquet is always the right choice. At Petals & Leaves, we mix classic with trendy to give it the extra edge. The white roses wedding bouquet with a tough of purple veronica and eucalyptus leaves is perfect for a flawless final look.
If you want to make sure that love is there all around on your big day, then this gerb is your perfect choice for your wedding. Add some love to your bouquet with red roses.
Are you looking for accent colors for the big day?
Then, you reached just the right place to have your dream come true. This is the wonderful bouquet that will suit your beautiful hand and adds the bold look.
The wonderful wedding bouquet is a mix of white and orange roses inaddition to the baby flower gypsohilia and green soldago.
Since purple is a royal color, Petals & Leaves is presenting your recipient this gorgeous fancy bouquet made of a mix of purple, white, and pink gerberas and roses to be your elegant gift.
Congratulating your beloved person is that easy with Petals & Leaves using this stand arrangement of mixed flowers. Lilies, roses, gerbera and greenery. Show your them your warm wishes and we will deliver to their doorsteps.
Love stands for caring about details. To show your partner your care, Petals & Leaves is presenting you the perfect gift box for your “Avengers’ fan” partner.
Petals & Leaves is giving you the opportunity to greet the newly weds with this radiant arrangement as the yellow gerbera is there to please your recipient.