Congratulating your beloved person is that easy with Petals & Leaves using this stand arrangement of mixed flowers. Lilies, roses, gerbera and greenery. Show your them your warm wishes and we will deliver to their doorsteps.
Our Beginning Bouquet is perfect for any person going through a new beginning in his/her life. This bouquet is the perfect classic-meets-modern floral arrangement. Furthermore, we guarantee that your recipient will love it as congratulations gesture!
When someone so dear passes, a standing tribute is a fitting way to pay respects. Our impressive standing spray flower arrangement, meticulously handcrafted by our expert florists, is a lush, full presentation that makes for a proud and respectful commemoration.
Our majestic baby pink and white wreath that can be hanged on a door or a stand will help honor their memory in a unique and meaningful way. Artistically designed by our expert florists with rich pink and pristine white blooms, this flower arrangement is a heartfelt expression of your deepest sympathies.
A loving sentiment can be all it takes to bring comfort during a time of loss. Our flower arrangement of blissful purple and white blooms will help bring a sense of serenity to a loved one. It’s a thoughtful gesture of loving condolence.