Amaryllis Bliss Roses Box


2,950 EGP3,195 EGP

A graceful blend of white roses, anthuriums, gerberas, purple chrysanthemums, Ruscus, and eucalyptus, elegantly arranged in a signature box. Paired with a Januba Assorted Dates Platter (12 pcs), this arrangement exudes sophistication and charm. Perfect for celebrating milestones, sending warm wishes, or simply indulging in a touch of floral luxury. Order now and get free same-day delivery!

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SKU: PL-22627 Categories: , , , ,


  • Box/vase/wrapping might differ based on availability
  • Flowers might not be in full blooms
  • Greenery types might be changed based on seasonal availability
  • Cakes and desserts on display may vary based on availability.


A graceful blend of white roses, anthuriums, gerberas, purple chrysanthemums, Ruscus, and eucalyptus, elegantly arranged in a signature box. Paired with a Januba Assorted Dates Platter (12 pcs), this arrangement exudes sophistication and charm. Perfect for celebrating milestones, sending warm wishes, or simply indulging in a touch of floral luxury. Order now and get free same-day delivery!

Additional information


Petals & Leaves

Flowers Colors

Purple, White



Flowers Origin

Local, Imported

Flowers Type

Antirrhinum, Chrysanthemum, Eucalyptus, Gerbera, Rose, Ruscus


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Amaryllis Bliss Roses Box

Amaryllis Bliss Roses Box

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