Declare your everlasting love with our ‘Endless Love’ Bouquet, an exquisite arrangement of rich pink roses wrapped in a striking burgundy packaging. This romantic bouquet is beautifully complemented by an elegant initial silver necklace, making it a deeply personal and memorable gift. Ideal for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or just because, this stunning combo adds a personal touch to your loving gestures. Celebrate your special moments with a gift that speaks from the heart!
Endless Love
2,775 EGP – 3,480 EGP
- Box/vase/wrapping might differ based on availability
- Flowers might not be in full blooms
- Greenery types might be changed based on seasonal availability
- Cakes and desserts on display may vary based on availability.
Declare your everlasting love with our ‘Endless Love’ Bouquet, an exquisite arrangement of rich pink roses wrapped in a striking burgundy packaging. This romantic bouquet is beautifully complemented by an elegant initial silver necklace, making it a deeply personal and memorable gift. Ideal for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or just because, this stunning combo adds a personal touch to your loving gestures. Celebrate your special moments with a gift that speaks from the heart!
Additional information
Brand | Petals & Leaves |
Flowers Colors | Fuchsia, Green, Pink |
Flowers Origin | Local, Imported |
Flowers Type | Eucalyptus, Gerbera, Rose |
Gift | Jewellery, Personal Accessories |
Occasion | Valentine |
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